Katie Price has opened up on the suicidal thoughts that led to her checking into The Priory earlier this year.
The 42-year-old has endured a tumultuous few years, battling cocaine addiction, learning that her mother has a terminal health condition and being declared bankrupt in quick succession.
Speaking on her YouTube channel, Price revealed that the stint inside wellness clinic The Priory helped to sort her out and she has since spoken about being the happiest she has ever been after getting together with new boyfriend Carl Woods.
"I had thoughts of killing myself. That's how bad it got for me but you guys don't know that because Katie Price always puts on a brave face," she said in the video.
"Believe it or not Loose Women was my breaking point. I don't know how on earth I used to do it when really I was ill, I was suffering.
"Now I'd love to do Loose Women or shows because I'm such a different person and it's all from being in The Priory.
"I'm not proud of it but I had nobody close to me to talk to, they'd all betrayed me at some point, there was few people I could trust.
"I wanted to keep everything in and couldn't talk. I just wanted to sleep. I was weak... and I let a drug get the better of me and I let people use me.
"Then I had a wakeup call... if I don't get help I'm going to die or self destruct. l had lost me, the kids had lost their mum, nobody believed in me any more."
Price is currently confined to a wheelchair after breaking both her feet but is remaining productive, launching a new YouTube channel, writing her seventh autobiography and recording a new album.
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