If you are thinking about buying a racehorse in the near future, you are probably very excited. This is the sport of Kings! However, keep in mind that a horse is a major purchase. But one of course that could earn you great money as it romps home and wins the grand national. If you would like some ante post betting on the Grand National then that is a great site with bonus for you.
Several ways exist to ensure that you choose the right horse for your situation. Following are 10 tips that can help you make an intelligent buying decision concerning your next equine companion.
1. Visit the Horse First
Even though online resources allow us to make major purchases from a distance, it's best to meet a horse face-to-face before making a final commitment to bringing it home.
2. Have the Horse Checked by a Veterinarian
Even if the current owner assures you that the horse is in excellent health, having it checked by a veterinarian will protect you in the event that the animal has hidden health problems.
3. Consider Your Experience Level
If you are an inexperienced rider, don't buy a horse that requires an experienced handler. Buy a horse that is well-trained so that you or others don't run the risk of injury while trying to ride it.
4. Consider the Particular Breed
Different breeds have different characteristics and should be matched to the experience and skill level of those who will be riding it. Don't buy a spirited Arabian stallion as a mount for an inexperienced rider, for instance. That would be right for a winning jockey though.
5. Make Sure That You Have Adequate Shelter for the Horse
It can be tempting to buy a horse before really thinking things through. Make sure that you have a place for the horse to get out of the weather and that your property has adequate room for keeping the horse exercised.
6. Observe How the Horse Acts Around People and Other Animals
Make sure that the horse you choose gets along well with both other animals and people and that it isn't too flighty or skittish.
7. Remember That Horses Live a Long Time
If you decide to get a horse that is only a year or two old, you should keep in mind that the horse may live for 30 or more years. Getting an older horse is advised if you feel that you can't realistically make that big of a time commitment.
8. Make Sure That You Can Give the Horse Enough Time and Attention
Before you buy a horse, you should be honest with yourself about the amount of time and attention that you will be able to spend on the animal. Horses need daily feeding, exercising, grooming and other routine maintenance.
9. Be Honest About Whether You Can Afford a Horse
Horses are expensive to feed and maintain, and if your horse should become ill or injured, veterinarian bills can run into thousands of dollars. Being honest with yourself concerning finances can circumvent costly mistakes.
10. Give Yourself a 24 Hour Period to Think Things Over
It's easy to make an impulsive decision to buy a horse, so give yourself a period of time before you make that final commitment.