There are a lot of horse racing betting systems out there that you can choose from. There are probably as many horse racing betting systems as there are bettors all over the world. That said, plowing through each of them can be time-consuming and plainly tiresome, to say the least, as you have to evaluate each one of them, sort out their pros and cons and see if it's at least decent in terms of ROI.
That said, to study each one of them is folly. However, it doesn't really matter as long as you know what type of horse racing betting system it belongs to. Simply put, each horse racing betting system falls under a specific category as well as criteria. They vary from straightforward ones to more complex ones that include various factors, equations, and formulas.
Some of them even incorporate financial strategies like hedging, which reduces the risk of losing by betting on several outcomes of the race, or arbitrage, which lets the person take advantage of a horse's imperfections and sell it in the market to buy it from another buyer. These horse racing systems can be complicated at times and require more details to completely understand, but the only thing you should care about at the end of the day is your investment return.
Do these horse racing betting systems actually work as intended?
Honestly, not all of them. In fact, some aren't even worth mentioning on this list. However, some of them prove to be quite useful when operated diligently and with discipline, which can provide you with a good source of profit when appropriately maintained. People tend to believe that in order for them to win, they have to beat the bookies in their own game.
However, that is far from the truth. If you think of it as a fight against the bookies, bookies will always win because there will always be a bet to be placed every second of every day. Your aim should be in the top 10% of people that win by making a profit from the other 90%. This can be challenging if you transfer from system to system regularly since the return of an investment will always reset to 0.
Some people even stick to betting systems that require them to follow the jockey guide. In actuality, there is no way for someone to see if they're going to make a lot of profit in a particular system. So what should you do? Luckily, there are proven effective systems out there that you should try first before venturing to others. Here are some of them.
Quentin Franks Racing
One prominent name in horse racing systems is Quentin Franks. He is a famous tipster that provides tips and strategies that surely will increase your winnings. In fact, people report that his strategies in horse racing have an average 22.8% ROI, which is really impressive.
Also, people who have tried his system from 2015 have experienced a massive gain in profits with only small bets. Not only that, but these tips can be accessible for a small amount of price.
Bet Alchemist
If you're looking to improve your horse racing strike rate, then look no further than Bet Alchemist. Members reportedly say that since following this horse racing system, they have won 15-18 bets in the following months. But members also say that following the Bet Alchemist horse racing system improves their strike rates to 83%. On average, they experience eight profitable months each year.
Early Odds
Although early odds started in football, they transferred to horse racing because of the high chances of winning based only on information. By being a member, people will get tips and strategies the night before an event, making them well-prepared and more likely to gain profit because of the up-to-date information the system provides.
Master Racing Tipster
Since the start of the Master Racing Tipster, it has amassed an impressive 620 points of profit. This is mainly because Master Racing Tipster has one of the highest investment returns, which is over 30%. Over the years, the Master has been consistently getting ten months of profit each year and has been an excellent model of high and steady profit.
It also has a strike rate of 29%. With this strike rate, the population of losers is significantly low. Not only that, it's not as complicated as the other systems mentioned in this list. All you have to do is to bet twice in a day, and you're going to have a little bit more profit.
Of course, the horse racing systems mentioned above are just some of the most trustworthy horse racing systems around. If you manage to find other horse racing systems that are better than those mentioned, it might be better to stick with it. Just remember that you should always keep a lookout for your return on investment. With a high return on investment comes excellent fortune.
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