The owner of two leading footballer brands Hairbond United Kingdom and Stylo Matchmakers is also an advisor to some of the world's biggest football clubs on behalf of the football consultancy company Football People.
Until now Scott Michaels's football agency interests have been on behalf of worldwide club owners, opposed to super agents who only look after players.
Scott told us, "The game of football is one the most competitive sports today and the margins for success are tight. My role as a club advisor agent is to assist owners with their brand growth, whilst at the same time work to bring suitable parties together in order to complete new deals, giving them the competitive edge. These deals include club and asset acquisitions and sourcing information on upcoming opportunities in player transfers."
Scott told us that he has seen an increasing amount of demand from his partners who are interested in identifying undervalued players faster, especially the players who have the ability to climb the ladder of success further in football, eventually replacing the players at the top.
"This is the reason I have decided to expand my agency services, so I can give a handful of players the opportunity to work with me, via the new Pro Footballers platform."
It's not so uncommon for professional footballers to change their agent, if they feel it will give them the opportunity to progress. Scott has now decided to offer a small number of players a lifeline, where they can become part of his club portfolio.
"My clients own clubs from lower leagues to the Premier League. Any players who have turned pro, who know they have what it takes to impress a club owner, is a match for Pro Footballers."
Most professional footballers today will likely already have a form of representation. Scott tells us how Pro Footballers works around that.
"I won't be actively approaching players, this lifeline will be only be open to the players who make the decision to contact me for assistance. There's nothing I could ever do to make a player change their destiny and it's the players right to choose their own path in life. For players who aren't happy with things as they stand, Pro Footballers could well be the answer they're looking for. Perhaps now is a good time for players to reflect on if they are happy with where they currently stand."
The job of a good football agent is to support players throughout their career and negotiate the best available deals for them. Whilst a career in football is much shorter than a career in other industries, the journey of becoming a successful professional is an extremely challenging one.
"A career in football is like climbing to reach the top of Mount Everest. The smartest players know at what stage they're only half-way up the climb, it doesn't matter how long it's taken them to get there. But half-way up, so many players come to admit that they have lost the passion and motivation to get to the top and that half-way is actually comfortable enough for them to settle there."
The Pro Footballers agency aims to work with players who are completely dissatisfied with being only half-way up the mountain.
"As their representation, it's my job to plug Pro Footballers players into my network extending opportunities for buyers. My clients are business people who generally only conduct themselves at the top of this mountain so as a guide, with a map to the top, it makes sense to start promoting my own pool of players."
Today there's believed to be as many as 6000 football intermediaries in the UK alone, some of which host hundreds of players. Scott tells us some of the reasons for keeping the operation more exclusive.
"Some of the big intermediaries take on players by the hundred and their whole business relies on communication, resources and time. From one players perspective, who's sat amongst a large group, it can take time for things to move. This is why at Pro Footballers I will only be servicing a small selection of talent and all players with ProFootballers will deal directly with me."
As an owner of footballer fashion and style brands, Scott also specialises in marketing and creating content. Advising club clients that their football clubs are brands, it's important to constantly remind football players that they are too, he added.
Home to the most famous clubs, players, managers and stadiums, the Premier League is the most-watched sports league on the planet with over one billion homes watching football, across 188 countries. It's no surprise that professional players dream of playing in this league. Scott explains what his club owners at the top look for in players, "Whilst it's possible for me to move a low league player up through the ranks to the Premier League, if the player doesn't showcase that they have the ability to play at a higher level than the level they're at, or their performance stats aren't competitive enough, or they don't have the right attitude, club owners are going to be forced to look elsewhere."