Friday, May 4

Premier League



Arsene Wenger: "Arsenal was my life"

Arsene Wenger admits that the final weeks of his time at Arsenal are proving to be an emotional and "strange" experience as the club 'was his life'.

Arsene Wenger has admitted that the final weeks of his career at Arsenal are proving to be an emotional experience as the club 'was his life'.

The Gunners boss announced last week that he would be leaving the Emirates Stadium at the end of the season following 22 years in the role.

Wenger has overseen 1,197 games for Arsenal so far but, with no more than six fixtures left this term, the veteran manager is struggling to come to terms with the experience.

"For 22 years I have had 1,200 games or something like that for Arsenal Football Club," Wenger told Sky Sports News.

"It's not 50, it's 1,200 and every time you prepare the team you are tense. It's a complete part of your life, it's more than part of your life, it is your life. Arsenal was my life and so of course it is special."

Wenger has confirmed that he will take a month out following his departure from the club to mull over his next move.

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CManchester CityMan City353032102267693
2Manchester UnitedMan Utd35245667274077
4Tottenham HotspurSpurs35218668313771
9Leicester CityLeicester351111134952-344
10Newcastle UnitedNewcastle35118163544-941
11Crystal Palace36911164154-1338
14Brighton & Hove AlbionBrighton35813143247-1537
15West Ham UnitedWest Ham35811164367-2435
16Huddersfield TownHuddersfield3598182756-2935
17Swansea CitySwansea3589182752-2533
19Stoke CityStoke36612183265-3330
20West Bromwich AlbionWest Brom36513183054-2428
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Premier League Table
CManchester CityMan City353032102267693
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4Tottenham HotspurSpurs35218668313771
9Leicester CityLeicester351111134952-344
10Newcastle UnitedNewcastle35118163544-941
11Crystal Palace36911164154-1338
14Brighton & Hove AlbionBrighton35813143247-1537
15West Ham UnitedWest Ham35811164367-2435
16Huddersfield TownHuddersfield3598182756-2935
17Swansea CitySwansea3589182752-2533
19Stoke CityStoke36612183265-3330
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