Next week on Coronation Street, Stephen takes a twisted revenge on Carla as he starts spiking her with LSD.
Elsewhere, Max finds out his fate, Sarah makes an admission to Michael, and Paul finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Read on for pictures and spoilers from next week's new episodes!
Max goes down
Alya snaps when Yasmeen and Zeedan push her to sort out her victim statement.
David, Spider, Gary and Daryan watch on as Max is handed a six-month sentence. When he's taken to the secure training centre, a group of lads let Max know that they're going to make his time inside hell.
Stephen gets revenge on Carla
Carla tells Stephen that if he manages to get the deal with Rufus back on track, he can have a 15% commission and a permanent contract. Stephen visits Rufus at his hotel but Rufus is clear he's not interested before heading to the bathroom where he snorts a line of coke. Shortly afterwards he emerges clutching his chest and collapses.
Carla appoints Sarah as head of design and makes Stephen the office manager. Later, looking for revenge, Stephen spikes Carla's coffee with the LSD he took from Rufus and it has a swift effect as she turns all woozy. In the Rovers, he spikes her again, adding more LSD to her red wine...
After secretly cancelling her meeting with Dick Haversham, Stephen hands an increasingly-confused Carla another drink with LSD. When she realises she does need to see Dick after all, Carla jumps into the Underworld van and speeds off down the street before crashing into Paul, who's on Peter's bike.
Also next week...
After Adam suggests to Sarah that now may be a good time to try for a baby, she confides in Michael that she doesn't want another child.
Peter is pleased when a contact of Abi agrees to exchange his motorbike for Peter's tablet. But later, Peter's confronted by police officer Jess, who wants to know why he has a stolen bike.
Brian moves into the flat and tries his best to bond with Amy's uni mates by doing a Vernon Kay impression.
Marrium arrives and is incredulous after learning that Zeedan and Alya watched her dad die. He begs her not to go to the police... what will she do?
> Monday, February 13, 8pm (Episodes 10876 and 10877)
Writer: Emily Gascoyne and David Isaac
Director: Peter Rose
> Wednesday, February 15, 8pm (Episodes 10878 and 10879)
Writer: Cameron McAllister and Carmel Morgan
Director: Peter Rose
> Friday, February 17, 8pm (Episodes 10880 and 10881)
Writer: Ellen Taylor and Susan Oudot
Director: Peter Rose
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